Monday 30 September 2013

School Magazine Cover - First Draft

I created two first drafts so that I could choose my favourite design and develop it. The draft I have chosen is shown on the left but I am going to use the main image and splash from the design on the right.

The masthead of my magazine is "Break Time".  I chose this masthead because it links with school life and it is very catchy. I decided to use the colours black and yellow because they are the school colours, the bright yellow lets the masthead stand out. I wanted the font of my masthead to look quite formal so that it stays in the theme of school. The 'K' in 'Break Time' overlaps the 'T' because I wanted to emphasize the work 'break'. It shows that the magazine is something that the reader can read in their own free time. 

I wanted to have subsidiary images on the front page of the magazine so that the reader knows what to expect. I chose three different stories for each image. I have tilted the images at an angle to make the page look more interesting. Also I have kept the colour scheme of black and yellow running throughout. I used black capitals in a different font for the writing so that it varies from other things on the page. It is bold which catches the readers eye. The stories would appeal to the target audience of 11-18 years old as each story has something in common with the pupils. The readers would be more intrigued.  The pictures are of pupils in the school so that people know it is solely a school magazine, it gets pupils more involved.

I chose to have a header bar and footer line so that more information could be shown on the front cover. I thought that using a black background would contrast with the white writing to make the words stand out. Also, the arrows encourage the reader to turn the page.

The pug I have designed is quite creative, with it being like a paint pallet, it corresponds with the information about the art club. It shows more opportunities for the reader and it draws them in. The bright colours really stand out on the page.

The sell lines I have chosen are meant to appeal to the reader as there are some interesting stories. Some, which include a comedic factor. These stories are there to make the reader more intrigued to read the rest of the magazine. The way I have designed the writing is meant to look like it has been written on lined paper, which again, emphasizes the school life.

My main image dominates the page. It is of a sixth form student who has become the new head girl. I haven't drawn the face of this person, neither have I gone into detail with the clothing, but the student would be wearing clothes which expressed her personality so the reader would get an idea of what the new head girl is like. I chose this splash because it's a story that comes every year and it is a big responsibility for the student so it should be acknowledged, many people would be interested in it. The font size is a lot bigger than other writing on the page to show it is the most important story in the magazine. Also I slanted the writing to give it more of an effect. It really stands out when looking at the front cover.