Monday 9 December 2013

Magazine Research

From looking at my questionnaire the most popular magazines that people said they read were Q, NME and Kerrang. I have decided to look into them further to see what type of audiences they attract. 

Q Magazine
  • Q’s audience is younger and more wealthy than any other music monthly. 72% are ABC1 and have high disposable income.
  • 97% of readers rate Q as a quality magazine. In research it outperforms competitors on measures such as best interviews, writing and awards winning photography.
  • 68.3% of their readers are male.
  • 35.5% of their audience are 15-24 years old.
  • Q is a multi-media platform which attracts a wide range of people to the brand.
NME Magazine
  • NME's target audience are 66% male aged between 15-34, the average age is 24.
  • 72% of their audience are ABC1, 55% work full time.
  • 91% go to gigs regularly and are music enthusiasts.
  • NME is a multi-media platform, attracting a big audience. 
  • 36% of their audience are still studying in college or university. Also, there are young adults who are starting their career.
Kerrang Magazine
  • 56.1% are aged between 15-24, this magazine has a young target audience with 54.7% of those being male.
  • Kerrang! readers are the heaviest music consumers purchasing over 6 albums per month on average.
  • 51% of their audience are ABC1.
  •  Kerrang's target audience are 8 times more likely to spend over £200 a year on albums.
  •  The readers are 5.5 times more likely to attend a rock gig.

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