Monday 4 November 2013

The Contents Page Analysis - Research

This contents page is taken from Q magazine. The function of a contents page is to inform readers what content is on each page. The readers can look at what articles they want to read. On this particular contents page it is giving the readers an offer of saving 37% per issue if they subscribe to the magazine. This is promoting the magazine and trying to get a wider audience. It uses special features on the contents page such as 'The Q Review' to show a glimpse of what the audience can expect.
The contents layout is in columns, it is in a formal and structured manner, this makes it easy to locate the information. There isn't a lot of information that goes in depth on the contents page, it just states the key points about each article that is being shown, it is to the point. There are some images to make the pages look more interesting, it brightens it up and it gives the reader imagination. They link to stories featured in the magazine, also, pictures attract the reader to the story because it looks attractive.
The language on the page gets the reader involved by asking them questions, it makes it thought provoking for the reader. By using questions and alliteration it entices the reader in because it makes the language amusing.
The colour scheme is white, red and black and this links with the front covers colour scheme. It is basic, yet effective as it is easy on the eye. On this contents page they have used several codes and conventions such as setting the writing out in columns, have a main image to link with a main story, featured articles, deals for subscriptions and many more.

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