Sunday 10 November 2013

What have I learnt from Analysing Magazines?

Front Covers

  • The main image is very important for enticing readers in. It needs to dominate the front cover and also needs to look good with the information on the page. The main image needs to have a story behind it and link with the splash, it needs to represent something. The front cover needs to looks interesting.
  • A masthead needs to be catchy and memorable, it also needs to be to the point and fit in with the magazine genre. It needs to be the biggest text on the page so that it sticks out on a page.
  • The colour scheme is extremely important as it can dictate who your target audience will be. Also it helps the magazine stick out on a stand.
  • If a magazine cover is simple, it can sometimes work better.
  • Subsidiary images let the reader know what is going to be in the magazine, they can't take the focus away from the main image.
  • There is always a barcode, issue date, price etc. on a front cover.
  • Sell lines don't need to include a lot of information.
  • A header bar and footer line aren't always needed.
  • The use of a pug lets the reader know about a competition which entices them in. 
Contents Page
  • A contents page needs to inform the reader of what will be on each page of the magazine.
  • Using a structured manor with columns makes the page more attractive. Also they are usually on a double page spread.
  • It just shows the key information that is needed, it's to the point.
  • Images are used to make the page look more interesting, also they link with the articles. It brightens up a contents page so it's not just writing, it breaks it up.
  • By using questions and alliteration it entices the reader in because it makes the language amusing.
  • Many codes and conventions are used on a contents page.
  • Editors letters let the reader know what they're in for, it introduces the reader to the editor and makes them seem friendly.
  • The colour scheme needs to be in keeping with the front cover, but by looking at my research they use mainly red, black and white.
  • Writing usually isn't very big and different fonts are used for each section.                                                     
  • Most music magazine articles include a main image on one side of a double page spread. It needs to represent something and link with the story. 
  • The articles are written in columns, so that they are in a structured, sophisticated manor.  It is easier for the reader to read. It also looks attractive.
  • By using language devices, it makes the article a lot more interesting and inviting. Without them, it can seem quite boring. 
  • Attention to detail has to be used.
  • The colour scheme is usually red, white and black. 
  • The text in the story is quite small compared to pull quotes.  

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