Thursday 13 February 2014

Music Magazine Front Cover Progress

I have nearly completed by magazine front cover, all that is left to do is to adjust some of the text such as the sell lines and the issue date so that they are all in line and look structured, I will do this because I want it to look as professional as possible.
I have changed the font of 'Meet Kings of Leon' in the pug, because I felt the other writing was hard to read, also it wasn't big enough to attract a reader to the competition. I am much happier with how it looks now in the corner of the page, it contrasts with the white background meaning that it is bold on the page. Also I added a bar code onto my magazine as every magazine has one on the front cover for purchasing reasons. I wanted to make sure I had every little detail on there.
I believe that once I have made adjustments on my front cover, it will be complete, and therefore I will now start my article so that I am keeping myself on track with deadlines. I have done everything I wanted to do so far.

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