Wednesday 5 February 2014

Music Magazine Front Cover Progress

I was very unhappy with how my front cover was turning out and therefore I have changed certain aspects of my design. Firstly, I have put a red box around my masthead, so that it stands out more on the page. Before, it wasn't shouting out like I wanted it to, and I feel this has made the masthead much more domineering. That means I have also changed the positioning of my slogan, I believe that it works better underneath the masthead without being in a box, it is easier to understand and read.
In my previous blog post, I mentioned that I wasn't happy with some of the font on my page. I tried out different fonts to decide what I preferred but then I realised that it was the colour scheme that was also the problem. So I changed my sell lines on the left, to Myraid Pro and decided to add yellow into my sell lines. To make sure that the yellow stood out I put a stoke around the text just so it wasn't blending into the background. I also made the sell lines larger, because beforehand, they were lost on the page. I believe my sell lines still need work, but I am happy with how they look on the page.
I also changed the positioning of my footer line and changed it to a header bar, because I felt it looked better at the top of the page with the masthead, it meant that there was more space to move things about. Even though the bottom looks bare at the moment, I will be adding a bar code which will make a difference. I changed the positioning of the issue date to the side of the masthead, I believe it creates a nicer looking page because it makes the design more interesting, it has changed the look of the front cover.
I added a pug to my magazine, because from looking at my research, most magazines include it on their front cover. I need to work on the font, so that it is more understandable to read, but I feel I have made a good start on it, using yellow to attract the readers eye to a competition.
I still have things to improve on my front cover, but I am much happier with my progress and I believe I am on the way to finishing my front cover.

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