Tuesday 21 January 2014

Photo Shoot for my Music Magazine

Planning Document 
Shoot date and time: 6th January 2014

Image Description: Medium shot/long shot of Lottie looking into the camera

Shoot location: My house, against a white wall

Model/ person contact Details: Lottie Connell (mobile number)

Permission Details: Yes

Props: Microphone

Plan of Shots: Take a variation of angles of Lottie to see what works best

Planning Document 2
Shoot date and time: 6th January 2014

Image Description: Taking a photo from Lottie’s feet whilst sitting down

Shoot location: My house, against a white wall

Model/ person contact Details: Lottie Connell (mobile number)

Permission Details: Yes

Props: Guitar

Plan of Shots: Put the focus on the boots/make sure the glitter shows up in the tights


Planning Document 3
Shoot date and time: 6th January 2014

Image Description: Medium shot of Lottie looking at the floor

Shoot location: My house, against a white door

Model/ person contact Details: Lottie Connell (mobile number)

Permission Details: Yes

Props: -

Plan of Shots: Make sure Lottie is smiling, showing her personality. Playing with her hair.

Planning Document 4
Shoot date and time: 6th January 2014

Image Description: Medium close up of Lottie

Shoot location: My house, against a white door

Model/ person contact Details: Lottie Connell (mobile number)

Permission Details: Yes

Props: -

Plan of Shots: Have Lottie at an angle.

Planning Document 5
Shoot date and time: 6th January 2014

Image Description: Medium shot of Lottie laughing

Shoot location: My house, against a white door

Model/ person contact Details: Lottie Connell (mobile number)

Permission Details: Yes


Plan of Shots: Catch Lottie when she's not expecting it, so that she is laughing.
Planning document 6
Shoot date and time: 6th January 2014

Image Description: Lottie climbing out of the car

Shoot location: In a car

Model/ person contact Details: Lottie Connell (mobile number)

Permission Details: Yes

Props: Car

Plan of Shots: Have the camera tilted 

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