Friday 31 January 2014

Music Magazine Front Cover Progress

My original vision for my cover of my magazine centred around an indie/rock vibe along the lines of NME magazine. I wanted to have a bright image with striking colours, I also wanted the font to look tasteful on the page. The masthead was to be a main focus on the page and catch the reader's eye. 
At the moment, I am not very pleased with my progress with the front cover, as it is not turning out how I pictured. I feel that my masthead works really well and looks good on the page, and the image I chose works well on the front of an indie/rock magazine but I feel that there are things I could do to improve my cover, such as: 
  • Experiment with different fonts, to make the page look more interesting by using a range of attractive fonts to draw the reader's eye more to the sell lines.
  • Make the font larger, so there is less 'white space' on the page because at the moment, it all looks a bit lost. Also, I may need to crop the image, which would also help to reduce the amount of 'white space'
  • Edit the image to make it vibrant on the page, meaning that it would work well with some of the writing overlapping her body. 

However, what I think has worked particularly well and will not require further editing is:

  • the colour scheme of the front cover, I believe that the black, red, yellow and white work really well to identify the magazine as an indie/rock genre.
  • taking inspiration from the block letter, capitalised striking style of NME, I feel that my masthead works particularly well. I feel due to the concise nature of the masthead and the outlining style that this would be a legitimate title branding to go forward magazine after magazine which is ultimately my aim. I feel my branding would work particularly well going forward regardless of issue theme or cover photo style. It oozes indie/rock.

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