Friday 18 October 2013

School Magazine - Completed Front Cover

This is my completed front cover for my school magazine. To finish it, I made the text on the header bar and footer line smaller so that it didn't distract from the rest of the page. Also I changed the bullet points from yellow to red which I feel has made a massive difference, it breaks it up on the page so each section looks right together.
I am happy with how my cover has turned out, I have stuck with my original design and I feel it has worked very well.

School Magazine Cover - Further Progress

I have given the pug a thick stroke so that it stands out on the page and informs the reader of the information. I have created the shapes of paint on the pug, this is because it links with the art club opening and it represents a paint pallet.
I have nearly finished my magazine cover, I need to make the sell lines stand out a bit more so I will probably change the colour of the bullet points. I am happy with my magazine so far, and I now have to just add the final touches so that I am satisfied with it.

Sunday 13 October 2013

School Magazine Cover - Further Progress

I have now added the subsidiary images to my magazine. I believe that because I have tilted my images it has made the page look more interesting. There is now an obvious grid structure to my page. Also I have moved up my sell lines because I felt it looked too cramped with it squeezed next to the subsidiary images.
The swimathon picture was taken outside a leisure centre with a boy who has the broad shoulders of a swimmer. He is standing smartly with his posture very straight to make him look like he is proud of his hard work. The results picture was taken outside the school hall which is where students collect their results. It's of two boys getting their results, they are looking at the paper, not the camera. It shows their emotions whilst reading what they've achieved. The boys smiling shows that they have done well, and it shows the school in a good light. The school choir picture was taken in a music room, it shows a teacher helping the boys to sing a new song. The teacher is pointing towards the music on the music stands, and one of the boys is singing whilst the other is smiling, this shows that they enjoy choir.
I have nearly finished my magazine, I now need to start looking at individual sections on the front cover to improve it.

School Magazine Cover - Further Progress

This is the updated version of my magazine with my main image on the front cover. I have changed a couple of things on my front cover such as the masthead and the splash. I have made the stroke on the text bolder so that it stands out more, this is because they're the main text on the cover, so they needed to be seen before the sell lines. I like the positioning of my main image, it dominates the page which is what I wanted. I also like how the pug overlaps Emily because it makes it gives it more texture.
I still need to work on my magazine cover to improve it further, also I need to add my subsidiary images. I am happy with my progress.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Editing my Main Image

 After choosing my main image I decided that it needed to be worked on. I didn't like the brick background because I felt it distracted from Emily's face and also, I wanted the colour to pop, and just have a bit more life. I decided to edit this photo on Photoshop.

I feel now that this photo has been edited, it just brings it to life a bit more.It enhances the picture greatly, I made sure that the shadows were darker to give it more clarity and contrast.Also there are more highlights on the face just to brighten Emily's face.

I really didn't like the background in this picture so I decided to edit it out using Photoshop. The one problem I have with the picture now, is that removing the background has caused some of the hair to disappear, leaving a rigid effect around the outline. I feel like it looks presentable though. I am very pleased with how my main image has turned out after editing it because it was my first time of editing out a background and also, I have added effects into the image which I believe have improved it greatly. I am now ready to use this picture for my school magazine.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Options for my Main Image

For my main image, I wanted it to be a medium close up of a girl to fit with my splash which is 'New Head Girl'. The picture had to be of a sixth form pupil so they would wear their own clothes. The pictures are of Emily Brown, I feel like she had the right image to be on the front cover. I took a number of photos so that I could choose the best one. 

As this was the first picture I took, I feel like it wouldn't look right on a cover of a magazine. I wanted Emily to look happy to show that she was ecstatic about getting Head Girl, but this doesn't show in this picture.  I took it horizontally which I feel didn't work that well.

I took this picture horizontally again to see if it would look any different with Emily pulling a happier face, but again I didn't feel like it worked so I decided that for the next picture I would take it vertically. 

This picture is better than those above, because it cuts out more of the background and focuses more on Emily. I feel like this picture still doesn't express her emotions like I'd like it to. 

I really like this photo of Emily because she has shown her emotions more. The clothes she is wearing shows that she can be relaxed with school life, and also her hair looks nice put to one side of her face. I chose the brick background just so it was a plain background and didn't distract from Emily but I think I would remove this background so that it focuses solely on Emily.
I have decided to use this picture for my main image because I feel it is the best one out of what I have taken. It shows school in a good light and represents happy pupils in the school, which is what I wanted to show.

School Magazine Cover Progress

I have started putting my design ideas together to create my front cover for my school magazine. I have kept with my original idea but I feel that as I go along, I may change some of the layout because at the moment it looks quite basic and doesn't stand out like I'd like it to. I feel like I need to make the writing a lot bolder so it catches the eye because at the moment its very faint and wouldn't stand out on a shelf. I like the colour scheme that I have chosen because the colours work well together.
I will now start working on the main image and the subsidiary images to give the page some life. I will also enhance some of the things I have already done as I go along. Overall I am pleased how my magazine is turning out.