Sunday 13 October 2013

School Magazine Cover - Further Progress

I have now added the subsidiary images to my magazine. I believe that because I have tilted my images it has made the page look more interesting. There is now an obvious grid structure to my page. Also I have moved up my sell lines because I felt it looked too cramped with it squeezed next to the subsidiary images.
The swimathon picture was taken outside a leisure centre with a boy who has the broad shoulders of a swimmer. He is standing smartly with his posture very straight to make him look like he is proud of his hard work. The results picture was taken outside the school hall which is where students collect their results. It's of two boys getting their results, they are looking at the paper, not the camera. It shows their emotions whilst reading what they've achieved. The boys smiling shows that they have done well, and it shows the school in a good light. The school choir picture was taken in a music room, it shows a teacher helping the boys to sing a new song. The teacher is pointing towards the music on the music stands, and one of the boys is singing whilst the other is smiling, this shows that they enjoy choir.
I have nearly finished my magazine, I now need to start looking at individual sections on the front cover to improve it.

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