Wednesday 9 October 2013

Editing my Main Image

 After choosing my main image I decided that it needed to be worked on. I didn't like the brick background because I felt it distracted from Emily's face and also, I wanted the colour to pop, and just have a bit more life. I decided to edit this photo on Photoshop.

I feel now that this photo has been edited, it just brings it to life a bit more.It enhances the picture greatly, I made sure that the shadows were darker to give it more clarity and contrast.Also there are more highlights on the face just to brighten Emily's face.

I really didn't like the background in this picture so I decided to edit it out using Photoshop. The one problem I have with the picture now, is that removing the background has caused some of the hair to disappear, leaving a rigid effect around the outline. I feel like it looks presentable though. I am very pleased with how my main image has turned out after editing it because it was my first time of editing out a background and also, I have added effects into the image which I believe have improved it greatly. I am now ready to use this picture for my school magazine.

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