Sunday 6 October 2013

Options for my Main Image

For my main image, I wanted it to be a medium close up of a girl to fit with my splash which is 'New Head Girl'. The picture had to be of a sixth form pupil so they would wear their own clothes. The pictures are of Emily Brown, I feel like she had the right image to be on the front cover. I took a number of photos so that I could choose the best one. 

As this was the first picture I took, I feel like it wouldn't look right on a cover of a magazine. I wanted Emily to look happy to show that she was ecstatic about getting Head Girl, but this doesn't show in this picture.  I took it horizontally which I feel didn't work that well.

I took this picture horizontally again to see if it would look any different with Emily pulling a happier face, but again I didn't feel like it worked so I decided that for the next picture I would take it vertically. 

This picture is better than those above, because it cuts out more of the background and focuses more on Emily. I feel like this picture still doesn't express her emotions like I'd like it to. 

I really like this photo of Emily because she has shown her emotions more. The clothes she is wearing shows that she can be relaxed with school life, and also her hair looks nice put to one side of her face. I chose the brick background just so it was a plain background and didn't distract from Emily but I think I would remove this background so that it focuses solely on Emily.
I have decided to use this picture for my main image because I feel it is the best one out of what I have taken. It shows school in a good light and represents happy pupils in the school, which is what I wanted to show.

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