Monday 21 April 2014

Evaluation - Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Whilst constructing my magazine, I have come across pieces of software and technology that I have never used before, the first of these being Adobe InDesign.

InDesign is what I used the most whilst constructing my magazine. Before producing my music magazine pages, I had some practise on this software with the preliminary task. At first I found it very hard to use as it has many components which need to go into making magazine pages, but once I had finished my school magazine pages I had started to understand how to use the program. I spent many hours using this software to create my front cover, contents page and article. It was very useful in the making of my magazine, and after time I found it very easy to use.

I had also never used Blogger until starting this task. Blogger is a way of tracking my work step by step, it is very easy to use and I really like the structure of the website. I also downloaded the app onto my mobile phone and it worked just as well. I have enjoyed displaying my work in this way because Blogger has a structured layout which makes my work easy to locate and read.

I found Photoshop, in particular, very hard to use. As there were so many ways of editing an image I wasn't quite sure where to start, but after familiarising myself with this program, I began to get the hang of it. I originally removed the background of an image to be used for the front cover but I decided I preferred a different image. Even though I didn't use this image I felt it was a good experience and I felt I was much more comfortable with the program afterwards. I edited many images on Photoshop because it made the quality of my images better. A criticism of this program is that I found it was far too time consuming, even with the little adjustments I made to my images. However it did make a positive difference.

 A creative way of displaying my work was through an online application, Prezi. It is an alternative way of doing a presentation and it presents work in a very attractive way. I have used Prezi beforehand for different subjects in Sixth Form and I have always found it easy to use. I really like how quick it is to create a presentation and that is why I have used it for other posts in my work.

Another way of showing my work instead of traditional blogging was creating a Powerpoint Presentation. I have used it for many years to create presentations and I find it very easy to use. It is a simple way of displaying work.
 A Powerpoint has to be uploaded on to Slideshare, an online application so that it can be seen on Blogger. Sometimes my Powerpoint Presentations would change once they had been uploaded onto Slideshare and I would have to upload it again and adjust things it had changed. I felt that was a huge problem with using this application but it was worth it as it creates a different way of posting on my blog. It makes my posts much more easy on the eye.

To capture my images I used my Fujifilm camera. It produced high quality images and it was vital when needing pictures for my magazine. I learnt a lot when taking the images for this task because I had to think about the angle, lighting, mise-en-scene and distance of the shot. It meant I was getting more familiar with my own camera. I created planning documents so that it wouldn't take too long taking my images, and I was successful with each image I took for my magazine because of this.

During the construction of my magazine I have also used a laptop and the internet to help with a lot of my work. I have used the laptop to create most of my work on the programs on the computer. Without it I couldn't have used the software that I required. I used the internet to collect research for my magazine and also use online publications. It has been vital in creating my magazine and it is very easy to use.
I have come across new and old technology in the making of my magazine and I am sure that they will become useful again in the future.

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