Wednesday 2 April 2014

Finished Music Magazine Contents Page

This is my completed contents page for my magazine. I have included a section on subscription, and instead of having a section of reviews, I added in special features. I made the boxes red as I felt it broke the page up and made it look less white, it also meant that the main white feature of the page was the list of what's in the magazine. In my special features I also included a website address and a twitter and facebook page, this is because I wanted to show that this brand is expanding, and is a multi-platform brand. I like the colour scheme of my magazine that I have shown throughout each page, and I believe that this contents page ties in with the rest of the magazine and can be recognised as a LEAD magazine.
I added a bar at the bottom of the page as when looking back at my research I saw that a lot of magazines do this in order to divide the page. I wanted to show the brand throughout my magazine and therefore I put my masthead in the bottom right hand corner of the page. I also added a page number at the bottom of the page
I have also put the other image onto the contents page, of Luke. I wanted to have a male artist shown on my magazine so that it can appeal to a wider audience. I believe that the image fits in with the indie/rock genre of the magazine and creates a strong appearance of a male artist.
I have changed a couple of things as I wasn't happy with how it looked when everything was on the page. I felt that the white space all around the page made it look squashed so  therefore made sure that the sides were touching the end of the page, but that there were still spaces at the top and the bottom. I also included a yellow box for 'This Week' to give it a heading, it makes it look more like a professional magazine by dividing the page into sections.
I am extremely happy with how my contents page has turned out, although it may not look identical to a professional music magazine, I believe I have taken certain aspects from them and adapted it to fit with my magazine. I have achieved everything I wanted to for this page and I am happy that I decided to change my basic design as it added to the end product. I feel that there are things I can improve on for this page such as the layout, but overall I am pleased.

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