Wednesday 26 March 2014

Music Magazine Contents Page Progress

I have now changed the layout of my contents page and I am much happier with it. I have moved the list of what's in the magazine the the left hand side of the page, meaning that there is more space to write about the articles themselves. It also makes them stand out more, and it looks like they have a more important role to play on the page. I used red lines to divide each article, it fits in with LEAD magazine, as they could be seen as red leads. The articles are in capital letters to show that those are what they are about, it should also grab the readers attention. The description underneath is much smaller.
Now that I have changed the layout of my page, it means there is more space on the page. So I have stretched out the box so that it doesn't look so cramped. The subscription box is much bigger too, which will definitely catch the readers eye. Even though the review box is smaller, I believe it means that there will be less to read, and it won't give away too much of the review so people will want to read the rest of it. The image of Josh and Billie doesn't look as stretched and it works much better now.
I haven't got much left to do on this page, I may still change a couple of features on the page if it still doesn't look right, but I will judge that once everything is on the page that needs to be.

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