Sunday 16 March 2014

Finished Music Magazine Article Double Page Spread

This is my finished double page spread. I have included a white bar at the bottom, with a page number, web address and masthead underneath this. From looking at my research, I realised that most magazine have this bar to divide the page. I feel the yellow page numbers are in keeping with the magazines colour scheme and makes it stand out. Also, I feel the white writing looks good on the black background, and makes it stand out. I included the masthead at the bottom for the same reason that I included the masthead at the end of the article as well. I did it to make the brand known and seen throughout the magazine.
I achieved my goal of putting Lottie's signature onto the image. I feel it works really well on the page and makes it look much more interesting. By using a feathered effect around the writing, it makes it look as if it was done in lipstick which adds another interesting effect which I love.
I am very happy with how my article has turned out. I have achieved everything I wanted to, and I feel it has all worked out well together. It has changed from my original design but most definitely for the better. I believe that there are some things which could be improved on such as the structure of the writing but I still feel it works really well in the article.

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