Monday 3 March 2014

Music Magazine Article Double Page Spread Progress

I have started to put my written article into my double page spread. The white writing really stands out on the black background and I believe it works really well because it is easy to read.
I have also included a drop cap in my article, this is from looking at my research, its what most music magazines use at the start of an article. It makes the page appealing, what I like most about it is that my article starts with the word 'Lottie' and therefore the drop cap highlights the first letter of Lottie's name.
In my design I wanted to put my questions in white boxes with a red 'lead' bar underneath them, I believe the colour scheme works well and it makes the questions come out of the page. It helps make the questions look like someone else is talking and it highlights where the questions are. I need to tidy up the lines but at the moment I am happy with how it is looking.
I am hoping to add subsidiary images into my article to show a before and after effect, which I think will work well with my written article. Also I need to complete all of the questions in boxes and put in small details.

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