Wednesday 26 March 2014

Music Magazine Contents Page Progress

This is the beginning stages of my contents page. I have included the masthead with the slogan in the top right hand corner to keep the brand flowing through the magazine. I then included a contents bar at the top so that people could recognise it was a contents page. I used the same font for my masthead and slogan as I did on the front cover, but for my contents I wanted it to look like its apart of the LEAD brand, therefore I used a bold font with a white stroke around it to make it stand out on the red box.
In the top right hand corner I put the issue number and the date of the magazine again so that its recognisable. I used a yellow background to make it pop out of the page and break up the red, black and white.
I wanted to include an Editor's letter in my contents page, therefore I wrote about LEAD festival that they are organising at the moment, as it ties in with the magazine. I used red writing to make it stand out and I thought 'A Word from The Editor' was quite catchy and made it seem short but sweet.
I am happy with the image I chose of Lottie, I cropped it so that only the guitar and her upper body are in the image. It really fits in with the contents page and makes her seem like a fun music artist to work with. I used red and yellow for the page number in the box because they work well together, it is quite big as it is one of the main stories.
I'm quite disappointed with the list of what is in the magazine at the moment, I feel it is tucked away in the corner and doesn't look big enough on the page. It doesn't look like a contents page at present, therefore I must improve this so that it looks like an actual magazine.

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