Sunday 16 March 2014

Music Magazine Article Double Page Spread Progress

As I intended to do, I have now included an image of Lottie playing her guitar showing her new self. I believe this image works well as it is focusing on the boots and not the face, it looks as if Lottie is in her own 'music world' and is really enjoying herself which is what this article is all about, her recovery.
I decided to include the masthead at the end of the article, this is because I have seen it done professionally in a magazine and therefore felt that I should do the same. I feel it works really well at the end of the article, and makes it look much more professional. It helps put the brand name everywhere in the magazine.
I have almost finished my article, I need to include page numbers and little details such as the LEAD web address. Also I hope to have Lottie's signature on her image on the left so that the reader could use it as a poster.

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