Monday 3 March 2014

Finished Music Magazine Front Cover

I have now completed my magazine front cover, I made some adjustments from the last time I posted this image.
I added a price for my magazine which is £1.80, I decided to give it this price from looking at my research. In my questionnaire, around two thirds of people said it would be a reasonable price for my weekly music magazine. I situated it by the bar code because from looking at my research of real music magazines, this is where it is usually placed.
I also decided to change the positioning of my web address to underneath the header bar. This is because I felt it looked squashed when it was on the header bar and needed to have its own space but still look apart of the bar. I believe it works much better and is more presentable.
I believe my magazine has worked out really well, and when comparing it to my draft quite a lot of things have changed. However, I believe it works much better as it presently looks because the finished magazine looks more professional. I have achieved everything I wanted to achieve and I don't believe there is much I would change because throughout the process of making it I have shifted a lot of things around.

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