Sunday 16 March 2014

Music Magazine Article Double Page Spread Progress

I have completed the question boxes for my article, I believe that the red writing in the white box works well, as it stands out from the black background. I still need to make sure they look neater, as some lines aren't all the same length and it doesn't look professional.
I also included two pull quotes into my article because I feel they help grab the readers attention and drag them into the article. I chose "I had become a slave to the drugs", and "I was really motivated to get my life back on track" to show that this article has a turning point. Also they show the 'different types of Lottie', a changed woman. I feel that the red writing works well on the black background, and breaks up the rest of the text. I also highlighted the web address at the end of the article in red to make that stand out as well, as it may be important to some readers.
I wanted to include an image of Lottie in her 'bad days' in the article, and so I decided to use a subsidiary image of Lottie getting out of the car, looking like she's coming back from a night out. As the image is tilted it shows the distortion of Lottie's life and how she was feeling at that moment in time. I believe it works really well in the article and I aim to include another one to show that Lottie has changed.

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