Wednesday 26 March 2014

Music Magazine Contents Page Progress

I have added in an image of Josh and Billie into my contents page which I feel will look really good once the page is finished. I have also added in a box about subscription to the magazine, as that is what most real music magazine have on their contents page. I will add in a review into my contents page too, but only up to a certain point so that the reader has to flick through the music magazine to carry on with it.
I changed the colour of the Editor's letter, and gave it a black background because I felt the white looked a bit lost on the page underneath the masthead. The white writing really makes it stand out on the page and draws the readers attention to it. I have also changed the colour of the page numbers in the list of what's in the magazine, but I am still unhappy with how it looks and will have to change the layout of the page so that it looks like a more convincing contents page.

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